DAAS Kapital is an Australian television comedy series written by and starring comedy trio the Doug Anthony All Stars (Paul McDermott, Tim Ferguson and Richard Fidler) with supporting cast members Paul Livingston, Michael Petroni, Bob Downe and Khym Lam.

The series premiered on 15 July 1991, in Australia on the ABC network, and the season finale aired 7 July 1992. DAAS Kapital aired in 18 countries including Japan, Britain, USA and Germany and was released on DVD 20 March 2013 with commentary by the All Stars and a new, original song. On 13 April 2013, the All Stars reunited for a one-off show celebrating the launch of the DVD set.

The Doug Anthony Allstars (DAAS) have launched the DVD of their sci-fi sitcom DAAS KAPITAL!DAAS Kapital Tim Ferguson, Paul McDermott & Richard Fidler

The controversial comedy series was banned in Japan and Germany.
The notorious international comedy trio have finally released the show that rocked the TV world.

DAAS KAPITAL revolutionised world comedy.
The show applies the trio’s formula: Sex, Violence and Sex.

Winner of 14 international awards, the series remains a technological tour-de-force. It combines live-action with animation, groundbreaking special effects, animatronic puppets and dangerous pyrotechnics.

The show co-starred comic kings Bob Downe, Paul Livingston & Michael Petroni.

Tim Ferguson, Paul McDermott & Richard Fidler – the men who built the legend.
Tim Ferguson, Paul McDermott & Richard Fidler

DAAS KAPITAL is offensive to some viewers.

“Explosive comedy on a sci-fi highwire.” (Rolling Stone USA)

“Sexy, violent, comic genius.” (London Times)

“Not accurate.” (Tokyo Times)

“There will never be a series like DAAS KAPITAL again.” (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

WARNING: ‘DAAS KAPITAL’ contains frequent violence, coarse language, horror, sexual, drug and adult elements.